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Jul 05, 2014
9 min read


Python算法设计篇(5) Chapter 5: Traversal

You are in a narrow hallway. This continues for several metres and ends in a doorway. Halfway along the passage you can see an archway where some steps lead downwards. Will you go forwards to the door (turn to 5), or creep down the steps (turn to 344)?
——Steve Jackson, Citadel of Chaos





一个很明显的想法是,我们从一个顶点出发,沿着边一直走,慢慢地扩大子图,直到子图不能再扩大了停止,我们就得到了一个连通分量对吧,我们怎么确定我们真的是找到了一个完整的连通分量呢?可以看下作者给出的解释,类似上节的Induction,我们思考从 i-1 到 i 的过程,只要我们保证增加了这个节点后子图仍然是连通的就对了。

Let’s look at the following related problem. Show that you can order the nodes in a connected graph, V1, V2, … Vn, so that for any i = 1…n, the subgraph over V1, … , Vi is connected. If we can show this and we can figure out how to do the ordering, we can go through all the nodes in a connected component and know when they’re all used up.

How do we do this? Thinking inductively, we need to get from i -1 to i. We know that the subgraph over the i -1 first nodes is connected. What next? Well, because there are paths between any pair of nodes, consider a node u in the first i -1 nodes and a node v in the remainder. On the path from u to v, consider the last node that is in the component we’ve built so far, as well as the first node outside it. Let’s call them x and y. Clearly there must be an edge between them, so adding y to the nodes of our growing component keeps it connected, and we’ve shown what we set out to show.

经过上面的一番思考,我们就知道了如何找连通分量:从一个顶点开始,沿着它的边找到其他的节点(或者说站在这个节点上看,看能够发现哪些节点),然后就是不断地向已有的连通分量中添加节点,使得连通分量内部依然满足连通性质。如果我们按照上面的思路一直做下去,我们就得到了一棵树,一棵遍历树,它也是我们遍历的分量的一棵生成树。在具体实现这个算法时,我们要记录“边缘节点”,也就是那些和已得到的连通分量中的节点相连的节点,它们就像是一个个待办事项(to-do list)一样,而前面加入的节点就是标记为已完成的(checked off)待办事项。



根据上面的分析可以写出下面的遍历函数walk,其中参数S暂时没有用,它在后面求强连通分量时需要,表示的是一个“禁区”(forbidden zone),也就是不要去访问这些节点。

注意下面的difference函数的使用,参数可以是多个,也就是说调用后返回的集合中的元素在各个参数中都不存在,此外,参数也不一定是set,也可以是dict或者list,只要是可迭代的(iterables)即可。可以看下python docs

# Walking Through a Connected Component of a Graph Represented Using Adjacency Sets
def walk(G, s, S=set()):                        # Walk the graph from node s
    P, Q = dict(), set()                        # Predecessors + "to do" queue
    P[s] = None                                 # s has no predecessor
    Q.add(s)                                    # We plan on starting with s
    while Q:                                    # Still nodes to visit
        u = Q.pop()                             # Pick one, arbitrarily
        for v in G[u].difference(P, S):         # New nodes?
            Q.add(v)                            # We plan to visit them!
            P[v] = u                            # Remember where we came from
    return P                                    # The traversal tree


def some_graph():
    a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = range(8)
    N = [
        [b, c, d, e, f],    # a
        [c, e],             # b
        [d],                # c
        [e],                # d
        [f],                # e
        [c, g, h],          # f
        [f, h],             # g
        [f, g]              # h
    return N

G = some_graph()
for i in range(len(G)): G[i] = set(G[i])
print list(walk(G,0)) #[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]


def components(G):                              # The connected components
    comp = []
    seen = set()                                # Nodes we've already seen
    for u in G:                                 # Try every starting point
        if u in seen: continue                  # Seen? Ignore it
        C = walk(G, u)                          # Traverse component
        seen.update(C)                          # Add keys of C to seen
        comp.append(C)                          # Collect the components
    return comp


G = {
    0: set([1, 2]),
    1: set([0, 2]),
    2: set([0, 1]),
    3: set([4, 5]),
    4: set([3, 5]),
    5: set([3, 4])

print [list(sorted(C)) for C in components(G)]  #[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]





Here the “keep one hand on the wall” strategy will work nicely. One way of seeing why it works is to observe that the maze really has only one inner wall (or, to put it another way, if you put wallpaper inside it, you could use one continuous strip). Look at the outer square. As long as you’re not allowed to create cycles, any obstacles you draw have to be connected to the it in exactly one place, and this doesn’t create any problems for the left-hand rule. Following this traversal strategy, you’ll discover all nodes and walk every passage twice (once in either direction).




def rec_dfs(G, s, S=None):
    if S is None: S = set()                     # Initialize the history
    S.add(s)                                    # We've visited s
    for u in G[s]:                              # Explore neighbors
        if u in S: continue                     # Already visited: Skip
        rec_dfs(G, u, S)                        # New: Explore recursively
    return S # For testing

G = some_graph()
for i in range(len(G)): G[i] = set(G[i])
print list(rec_dfs(G, 0))   #[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

很自然的我们想到要将递归版本改成迭代版本的,下面的代码中使用了Python中的yield关键字,具体的用法可以看下这里IBM Developer Works

def iter_dfs(G, s):
    S, Q = set(), []                            # Visited-set and queue
    Q.append(s)                                 # We plan on visiting s
    while Q:                                    # Planned nodes left?
        u = Q.pop()                             # Get one
        if u in S: continue                     # Already visited? Skip it
        S.add(u)                                # We've visited it now
        Q.extend(G[u])                          # Schedule all neighbors
        yield u                                 # Report u as visited

G = some_graph()
for i in range(len(G)): G[i] = set(G[i])
print list(iter_dfs(G, 0))  #[0, 5, 7, 6, 2, 3, 4, 1]


def traverse(G, s, qtype=set):
    S, Q = set(), qtype()
    while Q:
        u = Q.pop()
        if u in S: continue
        for v in G[u]:
        yield u


class stack(list):
    add = list.append

G = some_graph()
print list(traverse(G, 0, stack)) #[0, 5, 7, 6, 2, 3, 4, 1]




前面提到过,在遍历节点的时候如果给节点标注它的发现节点时间d[v]和结束访问时间f[v]的话,从这些时间我们就能够发现一些信息,比如下图,(a)是图的一个DFS遍历加上时间戳后的结果;(b)是如果给每个节点的d[v]到f[v]区间加上一个括号的话,可以看出在DFS遍历中(也就是后来的深度优先树/森林)中所有的节点 u 的后继节点 v 的区间都在节点 u 的区间内部,如果节点 v 不是节点 u 的后继,那么两个节点的区间不相交,这就是“括号定理”。



#Depth-First Search with Timestamps
def dfs(G, s, d, f, S=None, t=0):
    if S is None: S = set()                     # Initialize the history
    d[s] = t; t += 1                            # Set discover time
    S.add(s)                                    # We've visited s
    for u in G[s]:                              # Explore neighbors
        if u in S: continue                     # Already visited. Skip
        t = dfs(G, u, d, f, S, t)               # Recurse; update timestamp
    f[s] = t; t += 1                            # Set finish time
    return t                                    # Return timestamp



使用DFS对图进行遍历时,对于每条边(u,v),当该边第一次被发现时,根据到达节点 v 的颜色来对边进行分类(正向边和交叉边不做细分):












#Topological Sorting Based on Depth-First Search
def dfs_topsort(G):
    S, res = set(), []                          # History and result
    def recurse(u):                             # Traversal subroutine
        if u in S: return                       # Ignore visited nodes
        S.add(u)                                # Otherwise: Add to history
        for v in G[u]:
            recurse(v)                          # Recurse through neighbors
        res.append(u)                           # Finished with u: Append it
    for u in G:
        recurse(u)                              # Cover entire graph
    res.reverse()                               # It's all backward so far
    return res

G = {'a': set('bf'), 'b': set('cdf'), 'c': set('d'), 'd': set('ef'), 'e': set('f'), 'f': set()}
print dfs_topsort(G)

[接下来作者介绍了一个Iterative Deepening Depth-First Search,没看懂,貌似和BFS类似]


One way of visualizing BFS and DFS is as browsing the Web. DFS is what you get if you keep following links and then use the Back button once you’re done with a page. The backtracking is a bit like an “undo.” BFS is more like opening every link in a new window (or tab) behind those you already have and then closing the windows as you finish with each page.


#Breadth-First Search
from collections import deque

def bfs(G, s):
    P, Q = {s: None}, deque([s])                # Parents and FIFO queue
    while Q:
        u = Q.popleft()                         # Constant-time for deque
        for v in G[u]:
            if v in P: continue                 # Already has parent
            P[v] = u                            # Reached from u: u is parent
    return P

G = some_graph()
print bfs(G, 0)

Python的list可以很好地充当stack,但是充当queue则性能很差,函数bfs中使用的是collections模块中的deque,即双端队列(double-ended queue),它一般是使用链表来实现的,这个类有extendappendpop等方法都是作用于队列右端的,而方法extendleftappendleftpopleft等方法都是作用于队列左端的,它的内部实现是非常高效的。

Internally, the deque is implemented as a doubly linked list of blocks, each of which is an array of individual elements. Although asymptotically equivalent to using a linked list of individual elements, this reduces overhead and makes it more efficient in practice. For example, the expression d[k] would require traversing the first k elements of the deque d if it were a plain list. If each block contains b elements, you would only have to traverse k//b blocks.




上面的示例图自然不太好明白到底怎么得到的,我们慢慢来分析三幅图 [原书的分析太多了,我被绕晕了+_+,下面是我结合算法导论的分析过程]

先看图(a),每个灰色区域都是一个强连通分支,我们想想,如果强连通分支 X 内部有一条边指向另一个强连通分支 Y,那么强连通分支 Y 内部肯定不存在一条边指向另一个强连通分支 Y,否则它们能够整合在一起形成一个新的更大气的强连通分支!这也就是说强连通分支图肯定是一个有向无环图!我们从图(c)也可以看出来









def tr(G):                                      # Transpose (rev. edges of) G
    GT = {}
    for u in G: GT[u] = set()                   # Get all the nodes in there
    for u in G:
        for v in G[u]:
            GT[v].add(u)                        # Add all reverse edges
    return GT

def scc(G):
    GT = tr(G)                                  # Get the transposed graph
    sccs, seen = [], set()
    for u in dfs_topsort(G):                    # DFS starting points
        if u in seen: continue                  # Ignore covered nodes
        C = walk(GT, u, seen)                   # Don't go "backward" (seen)
        seen.update(C)                          # We've now seen C
        sccs.append(C)                          # Another SCC found
    return sccs

from string import ascii_lowercase
def parse_graph(s):
    # print zip(ascii_lowercase, s.split("/"))
    # [('a', 'bc'), ('b', 'die'), ('c', 'd'), ('d', 'ah'), ('e', 'f'), ('f', 'g'), ('g', 'eh'), ('h', 'i'), ('i', 'h')]
    G = {}
    for u, line in zip(ascii_lowercase, s.split("/")):
        G[u] = set(line)
    return G

G = parse_graph('bc/die/d/ah/f/g/eh/i/h')
print list(map(list, scc(G)))
#[['a', 'c', 'b', 'd'], ['e', 'g', 'f'], ['i', 'h']]

最后作者提到了一点如何进行更加高效的搜索,也就是通过分支限界来实现对搜索树的剪枝,具体使用可以看下顶点覆盖问题Vertext Cover Problem。

问题5.17 强连通分支

In Kosaraju’s algorithm, we find starting nodes for the final traversal by descending finish times from an initial DFS, and we perform the traversal in the transposed graph (that is, with all edges reversed). Why couldn’t we just use ascending finish times in the original graph?


Try finding a simple example where this would give the wrong answer. (You can do it with a really small graph.)