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Jul 06, 2014
3 min read


Python算法设计篇(6) Chapter 6: Divide and Combine and Conquer

Divide and rule, a sound motto; Unite and lead, a better one.
——Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Gedichte


本节的标题写全了就是:divide the problem instance, solve subproblems recursively, combine the results, and thereby conquer the problem



如果我们将子问题看做节点,将问题之间的依赖关系(dependencies or reductions)看做边,那么我们就得到了子问题图(subproblem graph ),最简单的子问题图就是树形结构问题,例如我们之前提到过的递归树的形式。也许子问题之间有依赖关系,但是对于每个子问题我们都是可以独立求解的,根据我们前面学的内容,只要我们能够找到合适的规约,我们就可以直接使用递归形式的算法将这个问题解决。[至于子问题间有重叠的话我们后面会详细介绍动态规划的方法来解决这类问题,这里我们不考虑]

前面我们学的内容已经完全足够我们理解分治法了,第3节的Divide-and-conquer recurrences,第4节的Strong induction,还有第5节的Recursive traversal

The recurrences tell you something about the performance involved, the induction gives you a tool for understanding how the algorithms work, and the recursive traversal (DFS in trees) is a raw skeleton for the algorithms.

但是,我们前面介绍Induction时总是从 n-1 到 n,这节我们要考虑平衡性,我们希望从 n/2 到 n,也就是说我们假设我们能够解决规模为原问题一半的子问题。




如果从时间复杂度来评价的话,前者是$O(n^2)$的,而后者是$O(n lg n)$的,所以是后者更好些。下图以递归树的形式显示了两种方案的不同




# Pseudocode(ish)
def divide_and_conquer(S, divide, combine):
    if len(S) == 1: return S
    L, R = divide(S)
    A = divide_and_conquer(L, divide, combine)
    B = divide_and_conquer(R, divide, combine)
    return combine(A, B)



二分查找是最常用的采用分治策略的算法,我们经常使用的版本控制系统(Revision control systems=RCSs)查找代码中发生某个变化是在哪个版本时采用的正是二分查找策略。


from bisect import bisect
a = [0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9]
print bisect(a, 5) #4
from bisect import bisect_left, bisect_right
print bisect_left(a, 5) #3
print bisect_right(a, 5) #4


class Node:
    lft = None
    rgt = None
    def __init__(self, key, val):
        self.key = key
        self.val = val

def insert(node, key, val):
    if node is None: return Node(key, val)      # Empty leaf: Add node here
    if node.key == key: node.val = val          # Found key: Replace val
    elif key < node.key:                        # Less than the key?
        node.lft = insert(node.lft, key, val)   # Go left
    else:                                       # Otherwise...
        node.rgt = insert(node.rgt, key, val)   # Go right
    return node

def search(node, key):
    if node is None: raise KeyError             # Empty leaf: It's not here
    if node.key == key: return node.val         # Found key: Return val
    elif key < node.key:                        # Less than the key?
        return search(node.lft, key)            # Go left
    else:                                       # Otherwise...
        return search(node.rgt, key)            # Go right

class Tree:                                     # Simple wrapper
    root = None
    def __setitem__(self, key, val):
        self.root = insert(self.root, key, val)
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return search(self.root, key)
    def __contains__(self, key):
        try: search(self.root, key)
        except KeyError: return False
        return True




在算法导论中一组序列中的第 k 大的元素定义为顺序统计量

如果我们想要在线性时间内找到一组序列中的前 k 大的元素怎么做呢?很显然,如果这组序列中的数字范围比较大的话,我们就不能使用线性排序算法,而其他的基于比较的排序算法的最好的平均时间复杂度($O(n lg n)$)都超过了线性时间,怎么办呢?

[扩展知识:在Python中如果你需要求前 k 小或者前 k 大的元素,可以使用heapq模块中的nsmallest或者nlargest函数,如果 k 很小的话这种方式会好些,但是如果 k 很大的话,不如直接去调用sort函数]

要想解决这个问题,我们还是要用分治法,采用类似快排中的partition将序列进行划分(divide),也就是说找一个主元(pivot),然后用主元作为基准将序列分成两部分,一部分小于主元,另一半大于主元,比较下主元最终的位置值和 k的大小关系,然后确定后面在哪个部分继续进行划分。如果这里不理解的话请移步阅读前面数据结构篇之排序中的快速排序


#A Straightforward Implementation of Partition and Select
def partition(seq):
    pi, seq = seq[0], seq[1:]                   # Pick and remove the pivot
    lo = [x for x in seq if x <= pi]            # All the small elements
    hi = [x for x in seq if x > pi]             # All the large ones
    return lo, pi, hi                           # pi is "in the right place"

def select(seq, k):
    lo, pi, hi = partition(seq)                 # [<= pi], pi, [> pi]
    m = len(lo)
    if m == k: return pi                        # We found the kth smallest
    elif m < k:                                 # Too far to the left
        return select(hi, k-m-1)                # Remember to adjust k
    else:                                       # Too far to the right
        return select(lo, k)                    # Just use original k here

seq = [3, 4, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 13, 93, 0, 100, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2]
print partition(seq) #([1, 3, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2], 3, [4, 6, 7, 9, 13, 93, 100])
print select([5, 3, 2, 7, 1], 3) #5
print select([5, 3, 2, 7, 1], 4) #7
ans = [select(seq, k) for k in range(len(seq))]
print ans == seq #True



It turns out guaranteeing that the pivot is even a small percentage into the sequence (that is, not at either end, or a constant number of steps from it) is enough for the running time to be linear. In 1973, a group of algorists (Blum, Floyd, Pratt, Rivest, and Tarjan) came up with a version of the algorithm that gives exactly this kind of guarantee.

The algorithm is a bit involved, but the core idea is simple enough: first divide the sequence into groups of five (or some other small constant). Find the median in each, using (for example) a simple sorting algorithm. So far, we’ve used only linear time. Now, find the median among these medians, using the linear selection algorithm recursively. (This will work, because the number of medians is smaller than the size of the original sequence—still a bit mind-bending.) The resulting value is a pivot that is guaranteed to be good enough to avoid the degenerate recursion—use it as a pivot in your selection.

In other words, the algorithm is used recursively in two ways: first, on the sequence of medians, to find a good pivot, and second, on the original sequence, using this pivot.

While the algorithm is important to know about for theoretical reasons (because it means selection can be done in guaranteed linear time), you’ll probably never actually use it in practice.




def quicksort(seq):
    if len(seq) <= 1: return seq                # Base case
    lo, pi, hi = partition(seq)                 # pi is in its place
    return quicksort(lo) + [pi] + quicksort(hi) # Sort lo and hi separately

seq = [7, 5, 0, 6, 3, 4, 1, 9, 8, 2]
print quicksort(seq) #[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]


# Mergesort, repeated from Chapter 3 (with some modifications)
def mergesort(seq):
    mid = len(seq)//2                           # Midpoint for division
    lft, rgt = seq[:mid], seq[mid:]
    if len(lft) > 1: lft = mergesort(lft)       # Sort by halves
    if len(rgt) > 1: rgt = mergesort(rgt)
    res = []
    while lft and rgt:                          # Neither half is empty
        if lft[-1] >= rgt[-1]:                  # lft has greatest last value
            res.append(lft.pop())               # Append it
        else:                                   # rgt has greatest last value
            res.append(rgt.pop())               # Append it
    res.reverse()                               # Result is backward
    return (lft or rgt) + res                   # Also add the remainder




问题6-2. 三分查找

Binary search divides the sequence into two approximately equal parts in each recursive step. Consider ternary search, which divides the sequence into three parts. What would its asymptotic complexity be? What can you say about the number of comparisons in binary and ternary search?


The asymptotic running time would be the same. The number of comparison goes up, however. To see this, consider the recurrences B(n) = B(n/2) + 1 and T(n) = T(n/3) + 2 for binary and ternary search, respectively (with base cases B(1) = T(1) = 0 and B(2) = T(2) = 1). You can show (by induction) that B(n) < lg n + 1 < T(n).